Voucher Code System

Our voucher system gives you a quick and easy way to set up promotional offers. It makes running multiple promotions effortless.

Voucher System Features

Easy Scheduling
Quickly schedule your promotion to run from one date to another.

Type of Discount
The voucher can either be a fixed discount, or you can set it to be a percentage of the total spend.

Limited Use
You can limit the number of uses for each voucher code, and the system will keep track of how many uses are remaining. 

Discounted Shipping
The voucher codes can be used to offer a discount on shipping costs, and even provide free shipping.

Minimum Spend
You're able to specify a minimum spend, which must be met for the voucher to be valid.


The Voucher System Admin

When the voucher system is added to your site, a new tab will appear in your admin area. From this tab you will be able to create a new promotional voucher and manage your currently active vouchers.


What your customers see

Using a voucher is as simple as entering the relevant voucher code during the checkout process.

Once a user has added their items to their basket, they will be able to begin the checkout process. They will then see a screen similar to the one you can see below, which was taken from the site we built for Old Hall Performance. Here they will be able to their voucher code, and if they do so successfully, a message will notify them that the discount has been applied.

Get In Touch

Fill out the form below and one of our team will be in touch to get the ball rolling.

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